Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Snapping for a living

It's Wednesday June 10th, 2009. I'm sitting outside my apartment in my car bumming off my own wireless internet. Temporarily locked out of my place (but that's another story for another time). It's been 3 days.

3 days since I became a full time photographer.

If you didn't already know, I held a day job as a recruiter and snapped pictures in my spare time for spare cash. The job was lucrative, afforded me plenty of money to buy toys and go on great trips quite often. The work life balance was nice too, rarely working more than 40 hours a week with tons of vacation time and a very flexible schedule. Ask my friends....

But things weren't right. I was ready for a change. I'm not going to get into the specifics, and as a matter of fact I'm going to go ahead and end this post very quickly cause I don't feel like spilling my guts all over the web.

Suffice it to say that I've jumped headlong into the view finder of my Nikon D300 and the frame is looking pretty sweet.......


sam said...

oh snap!! he's really doing it!

Let's get coffee soon.

furry said...

now you can tell all those girls, "trust me, baby, i'm a professional," and it actually be true.

Ranski said...

truly inspiring dude!

JPF said...

best of luck my friend

hey Chad said...

That is awesome! I think I've been saying that since the first pic I saw of yours, "you should be doing this for a living." Some people have a gift, this is one of yours.

Practical Traci said...

This is so great!! Congratulations on your decision. I will continue to promote you!!

5Kgoatgirl said...

I am sure you will do great on your new/not so new adventure with your D300! You take great pics.