I have been debating for quite some time about the validity of me posting on topics other than trip reports and photography. Is there really anyone out there that cares about my day to day life? Does anyone care about what I think? Who am I to write about politics or religion and expect someone to take time out of their day to come read about it? I originially only intended to share to "the world" my journeys and photos, however something within me wants to talk more regardless of how many are listening.
I had a good email conversation with my
father yesterday regarding my thoughts. Dad is a strong writer, has thousands of followers to his site, and obviously is a big believer in the movement of blogging. I also respect the heck out of him, more than anyone I've ever known. So naturally I listen to what he says.
His written words from an email cut me deep: "You are writing well, keep it up. Isn't the Internet a great tool to express yourself to the whole wide world? I think so. Just 10 or 12 years ago it was virtually impossible to publish your thoughts without a book contract or some sort of publishing outlet, not so any more! That's why I say.....Keep blogging! Just write about life. Somebody's out there listening."
He's right.
The World is Flat. We can reach people like never before through our wonderful digital world. So I'm gonna start talkin.