Thursday, February 19, 2009

rocky raccoon training - for those who care

I posted sometime ago about keeping people updated about my training for the Rocky Raccoon Ultra. I've actually had some people ask what type of work I did to prepare for it. Well, for those of you who actually care I'm posting a full report on my training for this endeavor. For those of you who don't, click command + Q (mac users only).

On this topic, I'll preface the information by telling you that I'm not a "dedicate my life" trainer for events. I see most of my workouts over lunch breaks Monday thru Friday, with some other various cross training mixed in. These other disciplines involve hobbies that I am passionate about doing anyway such as climbing and cycling, so they are gravy activities for me.

I'm not fast. But I can go forever. I have a strong mind which is essential for success in an endurance event. It's mandatory.

As you'll see, I spent most of my time on short workouts at medium to high intensity. My longest run was a 11-12 mile trail run. A lot of high intensity rock climbing strengthened my legs, which I later learned would be beneficial on the trail. You'll also see that I take rest days A LOT.

Andy's 10 Week Rocky Raccoon Training

1 comment:

hey Chad said...

Nice workout schedule. An Ultra is beyond me...that's pretty impressive!