Tuesday, February 17, 2009

where have you been, google reader?

I was in Bicycle Alley on Saturday finishing up with the shoot, and getting insanely wired on coffee, when my friend Sam Duregger walked in the door. I hadn't seen him in quite some time and we got to talking about life and stuff.
Sam is on the cusp of technology, current events, and life (Lifechurch.tv), and he turned me on to Google Reader. Yes, I'm behind. This action is sweet! It's a free application that is set up just like an email inbox. You tell it which blogs/news you follow and it keeps up with them for you. When someone that you follow posts a new blog it essentially comes in to your box as an unread email. If you have a gmail account you can set it up from that. If not, well, I'm not sure what you do.
This may mean nothing to you, but I follow over 20 blogs and it's hard to keep up sometimes.

Ok. There you have it. Run wild.


Ranski said...

Welcome to the future! It's the only way to navigate the blogosphere;-)

Matt said...

Great find! I've actually been g-following your blog ever since your dad hooked my father-in-law up with the URL. My mother-in-law and I are prepping for our first Ultra on April 4th - the Umstead 50-miler in Raleigh, NC. Keep up the good work!

J V said...

next time you look up you'll be at 100+ blogs - good luck with any day job...